June 15, 2024

12 jan 1943 ano - The Elẽdf Square Riot


The Elẽdf Square Riot started out as a large peaceful demonstration of Oipientian liberals who wanted Ṡĩvgalèv Pilub Alňõ to step down from Ṡĩvgalèploi. However, at around 3:44 P.M., the protest quickly got out of hand as the anarchist group, The People's State, and the haddakuist group, The People's Party of the Revolution, started to throw molotov cocktails and shooting at police and security. The groups formed the People's Parties of the Revolutionary State and took 11 government workers hostage during the riot and killed 4 of them. The unified group also had support from bystanders who also started to join in on the riot during the speech from the leader of The People's State. The riot lasted for about 6 hours and ended at 10:10 P.M. when the PPRS members present either retreated, surrenderd, were arrested, and/or killed/injured. The leader of The People's State was shot and killed at 7:34 P.M. and the second-in-command of the People's Party of the Revolution was arrested at 10:13 P.M..

Before the beginning of the riot at 3:44 P.M., the Elẽdf Square Protest was already almost 4 hours old. It started at 12:00 P.M. and had at most 600 people participating in the protest.

In total, 172 people were killed, more than 1,300 people were injured, and at least 200 rioters were arrested (the majority being anarchists).

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 jan 1943 ano
~ 81 years ago