June 15, 2024

20 abr 1347 ano - Start of the Plague


The Plague, also known as the Black Death, most likely started by fleas that lived on the rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships, spreading throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. It is estimated that the Black Death killed off 50 million people, or 60% of Europe’s total population. The signs and symptoms of the Plague include fever and chills, swollen lymph nodes, extreme weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding from your mouth, nose or rectum, or under your skin, as well as shock and blackening and death of tissue in your fingers, toes and nose. To avoid the Plague, you couldn’t handle sick or dead animal bodies, or if you did, you needed gloves and face and eyes protection. You also had to avoid rodents, and avoid insect bites by using an insect repellent containing DEET. The Plague was very important because it helped with the decline of feudalism because it killed so many people, so there was less of a hierarchy. There was a high need for laborers, but so many people had died. Since there were so few workers left, they could demand high pay and more rights. In addition, many serfs left in search for better opportunities. This led to the manor system becoming weaker which made the higher “roles,” such as nobles or lords, less powerful. The Plague also helped mark the end of the Middle Ages and begin the Renaissance. This disease led to the Renaissance because the people started to realize that without lords or kings controlling them, they could be individuals and think for themselves. Since the Plague started in Italy, they recovered the fastest, so the Renaissance sprouted there first.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

15 jan 2018


20 abr 1347 ano
~ 677 years ago
