April 1, 2024

12 h 17 m, 12 jan 2018 ano - Myanmar's Suu Kyi says army admission on killings a positive step


Myanmar's Suu Kyi says army admission on killings a positive step



Coastal areas of Rakhine State are clearly of strategic importance to both India and China. The government of Myanmar, therefore, has vested interests in clearing land to prepare for further development and to boost its already rapid economic growth.

With no country willing to take responsibility for them, they are either forced or encouraged to continuously cross borders. The techniques used to encourage this movement have trapped the Rohingya in a vulnerable state.

Religious and ethnic differences have been widely considered the leading cause of the persecution. But it is becoming increasingly hard to believe that there are not other factors at play. Especially given that Myanmar is home to 135 official recognised ethnic groups (the Rohingya were removed from this list in 1982).

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 h 17 m, 12 jan 2018 ano
~ 6 years and 4 months ago