June 15, 2024

19 out 2003 ano - Douglas Monroe and his family arrive at The Alexandria Safe-Zone. (Issue 70 - Mentioned) (Issue 76 - Mentioned)


- Day 92 (Approximately)
- Early in the apocalypse, Douglas Monroe's best friend, Alexander Davidson tells him about this small community in Alexandria, Virginia set to run on solar power and stocked with almost a year's worth of food.
- Douglas, his wife Regina, and son Spencer struggle to fight their way out of D.C. In their time on the road, Douglas murders two men who needed to be killed.
- After three months, the Monroe family arrives at the wall-less Safe-Zone.
- Using supplies from a nearby abandoned construction site, all the survivors work together under Davidson's leadership construct a wall around the community. During this time is when they lose the most survivors such as Carter, Jessica, Richards and Barnes.
- Tobin and Olivia join around this time.

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19 out 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago