April 1, 2024

1 jan 507 ano antes da era comum - Roman republic founded


Roman republic was a period when Rome's control expanded from the city immediate surroundings to hegemony over the entire Mediterranean world. Rome for the next 600 to 700 years Romans struggled with the monarchy it had overthrown ''Republican government consisted of the Roman Senate, a body of well-born statesmen; two consuls, chosen among the senators, who had imperium, or the power of force that the kings had formally possessed and who led the armies; and in time, the plebeian assembly. As a hierarchical society, struggle between the patricians, who constituted the ruling class, and the plebeians, or everyone else, often grew violent. The plebeians formed their own political body in 494 and installed officers, the tribunes, with powers of veto; the plebeians went so far as to ordain the tribunes sacrosanct and pledge to defend them with their lives. In 450, the customary laws were set down in the Law of the Twelve Tables, which not only established publicly the laws that hitherto only certain patricians knew.'' this shows how the roman republic was founded and how it's many problems brought conflict to later split their future empire

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

12 jan 2018


1 jan 507 ano antes da era comum
~ 2533 years ago
