June 15, 2024

1 jan 1967 ano - Carl Bruce


Carl B. Bruce was born on June 22, 1939, in Kansas City. When he was in the sixth grade, he and his brother John went to live with their grandmother in Holton, Missouri, after his mother's death. Bruce was proud of his family and enjoyed living there. He was well-liked by all of his peers and participated in many school activities, graduating from Holton High School in 1957.

After high school, he attended Pittsburg State College, working various jobs to help pay for his education. Bruce was determined to establish a successful life and career path. In 1962, he earned a degree in psychology.

In 1964, Bruce joined the Army Reserves after graduation and married his sweetheart Ruby.

Bruce's first teaching job was at Stowe Elementary School in Kansas City. He taught there for two and a half years. He then became a school counselor, which lasted another two and a half years, receiving his master's degree from The University of Kansas.

In 1967, Bruce became the vice principal of Northwest Junior High School. By 1968, he was the head principal, with approximately 1,200 students, grades seventh through ninth. Northwest later changed to a middle school for grades sixth through ninth, with Bruce continuing as the head principal.

During his tenure, Bruce made time to attend regularly scheduled events at the school. He went to track meets, basketball, football, volleyball games, and more. Bruce encouraged the students and intentionally focused on cultivating healthy relationships with their families. He also made sure that every student ate lunch daily while at school.

In 1987, he became the principal of F.L. Schlagle High School. He remained there until 1990. He then became the assistant superintendent for Kansas City Unified School District 500 from 1990 to 1995, continuing his work with students and families.

In 2018, the Kansas City Public Schools Board of Education officially voted to rename Northwest Middle School. The new facility was named Carl B. Bruce Middle School to honor his leadership, compassion, and service.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1967 ano
~ 57 years ago
