July 1, 2024

7 jun 1775 ano - Battle Of Bunker Hill Second Continental Congress Lexington and Concord Patrick Henry "Liberty or Death"


The Battle Of Bunker Hill (June 17th) on Breeds hill was a early battle in the war, the colonists did lose but managed to inflict several casualties, and it is speculated that they only lost because they ran out of ammo
The Second Continental Congress (May 10th) and effectively worked as the colonist's government. They debated for a while on how they should continue the war and how they should make up with the king.
Battle of Lexington and Concord (April 19th) is important because it is attributed as the first military battle of the revolutionary war. The Colonists caught the English marching into Boston by surprise and sent them retreating.
In the second Virginia Convention (March 23rd) Patrick Henry gives a speech, which's most famous quote is "Give me liberty or give me death!". The speech was to convince those in attendance that they needed to go to war against Britan.

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7 jun 1775 ano
~ 249 years ago