April 1, 2024

6 h 1 m, 7 dez 1941 ano - Call To Adventure


Ben slept on Phillips couch that night after the argument between Ben and his wife. The next morning everyone in the city was awoken by a series of extremely loud sounds and the whole city shaking. Ben and Phillip walked outside and the only thing they could see from the street outside of Phillips apartment complex were airplanes and the dark smoke (put epic simile in here) covering the sky over head over the buildings that were blocking their view from seeing the rest of what was happening. Ben realized that whatever was happening was horrible and he that had to get home to make sure his wife and child were fine. Ben did that as Phillip went towards the smoke to see what was happening. Ben got to his house and searched his whole house for his family to find them in the last place he checked, the basement. Ben was reunited with his family and thought quickly in the face of danger to get out of their house and get further away from the danger. As they were fleeing their house an army truck was driving around the city picking up civilians to get them out of the city. The truck pulled over and parked next to them and they quacking got aboard and saw Phillip also happened to be on that truck. The truck pulled them to safety and on the ride they were told that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Ben realized that a war would break out and he couldn’t just watch from the side.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

14 dez 2017


6 h 1 m, 7 dez 1941 ano
~ 82 years ago