April 1, 2024

2 mar 1688 ano - Glorious Revolution 1688 – Rule of Bourgeoisie


The English bourgeoisie strongly dislikes King James II of
England because he is Catholic. King James II gained the English
throne after his Protestant brother, King Charles II, died. The
English bourgeoisie gains political power and reshapes the nationstate
by inviting the Protestant princess Mary (who is the eldest
daughter of James II) and her Dutch husband William of Orange,
to bring a Dutch army and force James II off the throne. (In other
words, the daughter brings an army to remove her Catholic father
from the throne in order to place herself and her Dutch husband
on it). When Mary and the Dutch army arrived in England, King
James II was deserted by his own military who also disliked him
for being Catholic. James II fled to France. His daughter and her
husband took the throne. However, William and Mary’s powers as
king and queen of England are strongly limited by the Parliament
which is becoming increasingly controlled by the middle classes.
William and Mary are England’s first “constitutional monarchs”
which means that their powers are limited and controlled by laws
passed by the Parliament. A Bill of Rights is passed by
Parliament guaranteeing rights and the power to vote only to
wealthy, property owning, Protestant, English men.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


2 mar 1688 ano
~ 336 years ago