June 15, 2024

1 jan 1865 ano - Mathias Splitlog sold land to Rev. Anton Kuhls


In 1865, Mathias Splitlog sold three acres of his land in the vicinity of 5th and Ann to the Rev. Anton Kuhls. The land was to be the site of a new building to house St. Mary’s Church. At the time, there were very few Catholics in Wyandotte City, and the church was mainly built for missionary activities among various Indian groups and to serve the needs of other white Catholics living in the Muncie area. When Reverend Kuhls arrived in Wyandotte City in 1864, to assume his first pastoral responsibilities, he found the situation little changed. There were only seven Catholic families in the town, and his new parishioners were so poor that he was barely able to physically sustain himself. Father Kuhls took his vows of poverty with great seriousness and was undaunted by the situation. He served as pastor fo over forty years, and it was during this period that most of the present structures built on Strawberry Hill. As the city grew, his parish was divided into new churches, (many of them nationality-based) to accommodate the needs of the vast numbers of immigrants. Within the relatively small area taken by Strawberry Hill, 3 Catholic parishes were established between 1886 and 1908. Reverend Kuhls encouraged his parishioners to purchase homes. Source: Strawberry Hill: A Neighborhood Study, Susan Greenbaum 1978

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1865 ano
~ 159 years ago