June 15, 2024

15 abr 1889 ano - A. Philip Randolph Born


Followed Du Bois’ ideas, influenced by his writings continuing more integrationist policies. organised more support than Du Bois had. Took some of the ideas of economic development and rallied black organised labour to the cause of civil rights, using the economic power of organised labour.

Believed in non-violent protest. The power of non-violent mass demonstration was Randolph’s key contribution to the civil rights movement. Influenced by the civil disobedience campaign in India, led by Ghandi. He moved to New York and where he was active as a union organiser for African American workers.

Through tactics including marches, demonstrations, effective organisation, working with white sympathisers and putting pressure on administrations, Randolph moved the civil rights movement on more than other leaders had done, and laid the basis for Martin Luther King’s success.

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15 abr 1889 ano
~ 135 years ago