June 15, 2024

22 dez 1971 ano - Memorandum to the Muskogee Area Director


December 22. In a Memorandum to the Muskogee Area Director, The Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs of the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs Division of Tribal Government services (Operations) states: (pg. 3; Section C) "At the time of the Treaty of Fort Industry in 1805, the Wyandotte was a unified tribe. The moves to Kansas and the Indian Territory, however, resulted in the breakdown of that unity. Since 1904, there have been two identifiable groups of Wyandotte as discussed above. Therefore, we find the Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma and those listed on Special Agent Olive's "Census of the Absentee or Citizen Wyandotte Indians" of November 18, 1896, as corrected, or their descendants to be the beneficiaries of the funds awarded by the United States Claims Court in dockets 212 and 213." (WNK)

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


22 dez 1971 ano
~ 52 years ago