June 15, 2024

1 set 1868 ano - KINEOGRAPH


Kineograph is known as flip book, it wa patented by John Barnes Linnet. Flip book is the first form of animation to employ a linear sequences of image rather than circular. In 1894, Herman Casler invented a form of flip book called the Mutoscope, which mounted the pages on a central rotating cylinder rather than binding them in a book. Motoscope remained a popular attraction through the mid-twentieth century, appearing as coin-operated machines in penny arcades and amusement parks. In 1897, the English filmmaker Henry William Short marketed his "Filoscope", which was a flip book placed in a metal holder to facilitate flipping.
later on, flip book are counted as a children's toy and novelty for children. Evermore, it was also a prize in the cereal boxes.

Since 2007, Walt Disney Animation Studios has started its films with a production logo that initially evokes a flip book. It starts with a view of an empty page of paper, then as the pages start to turn, details are drawn in to reveal Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie.

FUNCTION: Series of picture are drawn by hand and page by page, so when the pages are turned rapidly, the picture appeared and moved . Rather than reading left to right, reader should stare at one point or mid point of a book, and hold the book with one hand whille flipping through its pages quickly.

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1 set 1868 ano
~ 155 years ago