June 15, 2024

27 jun 2013 ano - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act; 2013


The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 recognized that the security of the United States sovereignty and establishment of a coherent and justified system for individuals who desired to be a part of the nation depended on the primary tenants of its success. This act addressed different aspects of the immigration policy/process; the clarifications ranged from border and enforcement issues to legal immigration reforms to minor changes of the general process. Not only that, the act also addressed held-up shortcomings from detention, immigration removal and court processes. This gave immigration judges a bigger chance to make case-by-case determinations. Also, the act increased the penalties that was given to certain criminal activities. This resulted in an increased difficulty level for applicants with minor criminal records which caused relapse in their progress to become legal residents. And lastly, the act encouraged targeted programs to increase immigrant integration to help individuals become citizens.

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27 jun 2013 ano
~ 10 years ago