June 15, 2024

1 jan 2017 ano - Titus is elected Emperor


Titus is elected Emperor after the old one quit

Titus was a player who joined the Imperials in 2016. He worked his way up to becoming a high ranking general of the group on the 2b2t division. He then was elected emperor after the old emperor quit.

Titus did many things such as:

- Make the Imperial Legionary much stronger and powerful.

- The Empire expanded to 4 servers (2b2t, anarchy-mc.com,9b9t, and 2b2t.ca, (also many PVP servers)

Titus has a love for patriotism to the Imperials. He is known for kicking people out of the group for not being patriotic to the Imperials. He abolished the saying "hail the emperor", instead he told people to say "glory to the empire" or "hail the imperial empire".

Many of his generals such as Has_Noname helped lead the Empire. Has_Noname is now called Unix. Titus was also known for teaching his trusted members how to inside other groups and take them down. The Imperials were known on many servers at this time period for insiding groups and pvping at spawn. The Imperials did have bases, however, just not as many as the current imperials do. Titus abolished all reminisce of the points system and replaced it his system which gave the centurions, generals and high ranking members full control of were players ranks should be. Very few people were able to inside the Imperials in his rein, many tried and failed.

Titus was not a person who would talk much. Instead of using his words he would talk with action. He was the opposite of a shitposter. No one could tell what he was about to do since he was so silent about his plans. Even if insiders managed to get into the group, they would not know any valuable information until it was too late.

Titus became very inactive sometime in 2018. Many imperials left, those who stayed revolted against him and overthrew him. They declared a new vote should be held for the emperor. All citizens were allowed to vote, which lead to much infighting in the group, eventually to the 2nd collapse of the Imperial Empire. All branches on 2b2t and 9b9t left and formed their own groups which separated from the Imperials. The last branch left was the 2b2t.ca branch with Has_NoName. Merick joined him and re-founded the Imperial Empire in late 2018.

Titus went off discord for 2 years and came back in 23/01/2020. He is sometimes on discord but he does not play anarchy much at all, one day he says he will return.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 2017 ano
~ 7 years and 5 months ago