April 1, 2024

20 h 8 m, 1 jan 1820 ano - The British used to trade Opium Drugs with the Chinese.


The British used to trade Opium Drugs with the Chinese. After the 1820 the Chinese people didn’t want to buy Opium anymore and they threw all of the opium in the sea. The trade was highly profitable. In 1838 they ordered the British traders not to do the opium trade again and this lead to war and incredible conflict.The British people were angry and asked why they wanted to refuse the trade.Hong Kong was set up because Hong Kong was a refuge for the British. January 26, 1841 the British set up Hong Kong.7000 labourers arrived from China in less than 6 months.Most typhoons come from the South East so you’re protected and you can put all your ships.It’s good that Hong Kong has a deep harbour so that ships can dock there. Back in the olden days common illnesses were: Malaria, yellow fever, cholera, dysentery and dengue fever.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

10 dez 2017


20 h 8 m, 1 jan 1820 ano
~ 204 years ago