June 15, 2024

12 h 29 maio 1452 ano - Fall of Rome Invasion, Conquest, and Fall of Constantinople "Battle of Constantinople" Tuesday 29 May 1453


Tuesday 29 May was the day the Ottoman Empire, under Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror, took Constantinople (the Queen of All Cities) from the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire), changing it to the Ottoman (Turkish) city of Istanbul. This often marks the end of the Middle Ages and the start of the Renaissance. On the Byzantine side of the “war”, around 5000 people died from the conquest, with no reliable figures from the Ottoman side. The Hagia Sophia was a famous local Christian church, converted to a mosque after the conquest. Hundreds of thousands of people were injured or killed in the conquest, most being civilians. Survivors claim the event looked like a flood of blood and bodies, scarring them for life. Religion was changed, and buildings remade. These changes lasted forever, since it marked the switch from Roman to Turkish Constantinople/Istanbul. The last emperor of rome, Constantine XI Palaiologos dies in combat.

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12 h 29 maio 1452 ano
~ 572 years ago