April 1, 2024

1 abr 578 ano - Clivia Tharn seizes the Ruby Throne in Varen's absence.


Clivia becomes Empress Regent

Seeing an opportunity to rise to power, like any Tharn would, Clivia Tharn seized the Ruby Throne for herself in her husband Varen's absence, effectively declaring herself Empress Regent. Many Imperial Legionaries and Soldiers that served Varen were not as eager to serve her, however.

After all, Clivia Tharn was also the wife of Leovic — the same man who forced them to take up arms and rebel — and it is no mystery that the Tharn's dabble in Daedra worship.

The rumors began to spread that Clivia Tharn might have even had a role to play in Varen's sudden absence, and many of the Imperial Soldiers that decided to serve under her were coined 'Loyalists' by other soldiers who served Varen previously.

It did not take long for generous amounts of Imperial Legionaries and soldiers to abandon their service to Clivia Tharn and either join the Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall Covenant, the loosely-structured 'Separatists', or alltogether dessert to the South to seek shelter from Molag Bal's dark anchors in Elsweyr, Valenwood or the Summerset Isles.

Clivia's father, Abnur Tharn, despised Molag Bal and his minions, thus dividing the Tharn family in two. Clivia managed to convince Mannimarco to use his Necromantic abilities to resurrect dead Imperial Soldiers to bolster the 'Loyalist' Imperial forces.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 abr 578 ano
~ 1447 years ago
