June 15, 2024

11 jan 1933 ano - Cajas Viejas Massacre


Cajas Viejas Massacre was an anarchist movement through Spain causing the oppressed workers to plot against landowners and the Church. This anarchist movement was opposed by the government of Spain (right-wing). In January 1933, workers who were part of the CNT marched in the streets, demonstrating and believing that they were starting a revolution. The government responded with the Civil Guards and Assault Guard causing more violent revolutions to happen. Many of the villagers fled, but some anarchists tried to resist arrest and barricaded themselves in the home of an anarchist, Francisco Cruz Gutiérrez. By Captain Rojas' commands, they set the house on fire with the anarchists and their families still inside. Soldiers and police then arrested anyone in the village who possessed a gun, marched them to the smoking ashes of the cottage and their dead colleagues, and shot them in the back. Twenty-four people died during the incident.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


11 jan 1933 ano
~ 91 years ago