June 15, 2024

3 nov 2014 ano - v0.2.2


# v1.7.2(original)

Implemented directly from v1.7.2:
- Synchronous Movement
- Challenges
- Ul improvements
- Vertigo debuff

Implemented with changes:
- Weightstone: Increases either speed or damage, at the cost of the other, instead of increasing either speed or accuracy.

Not Implemented:
- Keyring and unstackable keys
- Blindweed has not been removed

# New Plants

Added two new plants:
- Stormvine, which brews into levitation
- Dreamfoil, which brews into purity

- Potion of levitation can now be thrown to make a cloud of confusion gas
- Removed gas collision logic, gasses can now stack without limitation.

# Heroes remains

Heroes remains have been significantly adjusted to prevent strategies that exploit them, but also to increase their average loot.
Remains have additional limitations:
- Heros will no longer drop remains if they have obtained the amulet of yendor, or die 5 or more floors above the deepest floor they have reached
- Class-exclusive items can no longer appear in remains
- Items found in remains are now more harshly level-capped
- Remains are not dropped, and cannot be found when challenges are enabled.
- Remains can now contain useful items from the inventory, not just equipped items.
- Remains are now less likely to contain gold.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


3 nov 2014 ano
~ 9 years and 7 months ago