April 1, 2024

25 jul 2016 ano - v0.4.1


# ltem Changes

Armor and Enemy Balance Changes:
- Armor now has a min damage block value
- Armor gains more blocking from upgrades
- Prison+ enemy damage increased
- Evil Eyes reworked
- Brimstone glyph healing reduced
Class Balance Changes:
- Mage's Staff melee damage increased Mage's Staff can now preserve one upgrade
- Cloak of Shadows buffed at lower levels
- Some Battlemage effects changed
Wand Balance Changes:
- All wands damage adjusted/increased
- Upgraded wands appear slightly less often
- Wand of Lightning bonus damage reduced
- Wand of Fireblast uses fewer charges
- Wand of Venom damage increases over time
- Wand of Prismatic Light bonus damage reduced
- Corrupted enemies live longer & no longer
attack each other
- Wands in the holster now charge faster
Ring Balance Changes:
- Ring of Force weaker at 18+ strength, stronger otherwise
- Ring of Tenacity reduces more damage
- Ring of Wealth secret rewards adjusted-Ring of Evasion now works consistently Artifact
Balance Changes:
- Dried Rose charges faster, ghost HP up
- Horn of Plenty now charges on exp gain
- Master Thieves Armband levels faster
- Sandals of Nature level faster
- Hourglass uses fewer charges at a time
- Horn of Plenty adjusted, now stronger
Weapon Balance Changes:
- Lucky enchant deals max dmg more often
- Dazzling enchant now cripples & blinds-Flail now can't surprise attack, damage increased
- Extra reach weapons no longer penetrate
- Runic blade damage decreased

# Misc Changes

- Added a new journal button with key display
- Keys now exist in the journal, not inventory
- Improved donator menu button visuals
- Increased efficiency of data storage
- Chasms now deal less damage, but bleed
- Many shop prices adjusted
- Pirahna rooms no longer give cursed gear

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


25 jul 2016 ano
~ 7 years and 9 months ago