June 15, 2024

18 h 30 m, 22 out 2003 ano - Lee and Kenny inspect the mysterious barn. (Starved For Help)


- Day 95
- After returning to the farm, Brenda sits down on the porch and states that this isn't what her husband, Terry, would have wanted as Lilly and Kenny argue in the background. She assures Lee that they're safe here and apologises for the violence he's seen.
- Lee can talk to Lilly and Larry. They think it was a mistake coming here as things are unpredictable. Kenny is getting paranoid and wants to inspect the barn, as he believes the St. John's are hiding a secret.
- Lee enters the barn where Katjaa, Duck, Clementine and Andrew sit by Maybelle, the cow. Lee looks at a cube and Clem says it's called a salt lick, but not to lick it because it's gross. When asked if she licked it she says she doesn't know...
- Lee returns Clem's hat to her and asks her if she saw any strangers around. She didn't but will keep an eye out if she does. Duck comments on a smell and Clementine can comment on how it smells like "shit", "manure", or "doody" depending on what Lee said in Hershel's barn (see day 2).
- Lee looks at the large doors at the back of the barn. Kenny comes up behind him and insists there's something behind there, Andy locked it up real tight when they came in. Lee takes a look at the lock and Kenny asks if he knows how to pick it, because he's... "you know... urban?". He apologises as he's from Florida. Lee notes how they could take off the screws on the padlock and then reassemble it after so nobody knows. He takes a look around for a tool while Kenny keeps an eye on Andy.
- Outside, Lee can talk to Danny and Brenda. If Danny shot Jolene, he'll be pleased he got to use his gun, Charlotte, today. Brenda and Larry are flirting on the porch. Lee finds a multi-tool in a box. Lee needs to distract Andy in the barn so he uses the multi-tool to unscrew the panels on the generator and take the belt. Andy notices that it has stopped working and gets infuriated when he realises the belt has gone. Meanwhile Lee reenters the barn.
- Lee prepares to open the barn door when a bell rings for dinner. Kenny makes an excuse for Lee and takes the kids out. Lee quietly unscrews the padlock and opens to door to find numerous sharp tools, altered bear traps and blood smeared all over the walls, floor and a bathtub.
- Andy comes up behind Lee and tells him it's dinner time. Lee can question him about all the blood. Andy says that they still have to do a lot of hunting, so they skin and dress their animals back there. They both leave and join the others for dinner.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


18 h 30 m, 22 out 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
