June 15, 2024

21 h 9 ago 2003 ano - The military starts killing both walkers and people. (Part 4: Apocalypse)


- Day 21
- Sarah broadcasts herself over an old portable ham radio owned by Bernard Brill. It's taken her three weeks to get it operational so this is the first chance she's gotten. Talking to nobody over empty airwaves in clear violation of the FCC's rules.
- She comments on how she'd give anything to hear her old neighbour's dog bark all day again.
- In a broadcast before the news went dead (see day 3), she heard the infected being called 'walkers', she prefers the name 'harbingers of the apocalypse' but settles for walkers.
- Her new roommate, Sebastian was a firefighter from Biloxi, Mississippi who came to help with the floods. Now he keeps watch on the staircase and doesn't say much.
- On a supply run the other day, Sebastian came across a military convoy approaching survivors. The people seemed so relieved to finally be rescued, however were met with bullets as if they were no different than the walkers. The military have been taking drastic measures to contain the infection by killing the dead and living alike.
- She continues broadcasting every day to anyone who'll listen.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 h 9 ago 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
