June 15, 2024

1 jan 2400 ano antes da era comum - First Automatic Computer: Abacus


- Circa 2400 BC, the world's first automatic computer, the abacus was invented. Arguably this was where computer science all started; the abacus was the ancestor of all computers.

- Using beads on a tablet, an abacus could compute. This was very important. The very purpose of a computer is to compute, and withou the abacus to start us off, we never would have got to the computers we have today, and without computers, there would be no computer science.

- Later, in 1115 BC, the Chinese would add gears to their automatic computers. This would lead to the rise of analogue computers, the next step in complexity. Hence, for being directly responsible for analogue computers and further machines of complexity, the invention of the abacus is significant in the history of computer science.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 2400 ano antes da era comum
~ 4427 years ago