April 1, 2024

1 fev 1919 ano - Weimar Republic set up after the end of WW1


- Constitutional monarchy
- Universal Suffrage for all men and women over 20
- Proportional Representation
- Bill of Rights
- Impossible to form a majority government and difficult to form stable coalitions lead to slow decision making
- SPD biggest party but relied on support from the Center Party (Catholics)
- 7 different governments between 1923-1930 the longest one lasting 21 months
- Article 48 which allowed the President to pass emergency decrees without the support of the Reichstag - used 5 times in 1930, 44 times in 1931 and 60 times in 1932
- President could delay acts passed by the Reichstag so they are not implemented
- Reichstrat still exited although devolved some of its powers to the Reichstag - unelected -
constitutional changes and state competences
- Range of political parties - 12 after 1924
- Reichstag - house elected on PR - where legislation are passed - couldn't put forwards
- Democratically elected President
- Freidrich Ebert was President
- President controls the army and appoints the Chancellor, generally from the largest party in the Reichstag
- Local government - Lander - 18 - ran own education, policy and judiciary -

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

12 dez 2017


1 fev 1919 ano
~ 105 years ago