June 15, 2024

20 h 25 abr 2005 ano - Ezekiel tells his story to Michonne and they start to get along. (Issue 110)


- Day 646
- Later that night, Michonne finds herself in an old botany class greenhouse. Ezekiel joins her and says it's his favourite place in the Kingdom. Michonne tells him to cut the king shit and that he's "another asshole, tricking people into treating him special". He explains to Michonne how her sword grip is unsure and her stance is off. She knows how to use it but she's playing samurai the same way he's playing king.
- People want someone to follow, it makes them feel safe and more productive. They see a guy with a tiger and all of a sudden they're making stories and treating him like a king. How can he not play the part?
- He explains to Michonne how Shiva fell out of her exhibit before the outbreak and ripped her leg open. She thought Ezekiel was causing her the pain and scratched him across the stomach pretty bad, but not before he tied his shirt around her leg and saved her life. After that she never showed a tooth in his direction. Keeping a tiger is impractical, she eats as much as ten men and could yank the chain out of his hand at any point, but she thinks it still restrains her like it did when she was a cub.
- In the early days Ezekiel lost a lot and now Shiva's the last thing left which he loves. She bought him the fear and respect to set up this community. The king act comes as second nature, though, as he used to act in theatre.
- He shouldn't be telling her this, though he thinks he can trust Michonne because of how cute she is. She asks if this is the real him, and it's as real as it gets. They start over and reintroduce themselves. He wishes her a goodnight and leaves her with a smile.

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20 h 25 abr 2005 ano
~ 19 years ago
