June 15, 2024

21 h 13 mar 2005 ano - Michonne tries to seduce Heath, Jesus thinks it's time Rick meets Ezekiel. (Issue 107)


- Day 603
- Michonne approaches Heath who's on watch. She tries putting her hand down his pants but he stops her and tells her that he doesn't want to mess up what he has with Denise and that Maggie told him about her and Tyreese (see day 252). Michonne apologises and leaves.
- Rick, Andrea and Jesus discuss the Saviors. Rick tells them that Carl told him Negan has five wives on the top floor who walk around half naked all day, Jesus is surprised to hear this. Carl also said he saw about thirty people while he was there but they all seem like regular people, woman, elderly, some children. Jesus assumes Negan keeps all the dangerous people in the surrounding outposts to defend the Sanctuary. Carl also saw no ammo stockpiles or anything similar.
- Jesus pauses for a moment and tells Rick that he thinks it's about time he introduced him to Ezekiel.

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21 h 13 mar 2005 ano
~ 19 years ago
