June 15, 2024

1 jan 41 ano - Matthew


Writer(s): Matthew
Place Written: Palestine
Writing Completed: c. 41 C.E.
Time Covered: 2 B.C.E.-33 C.E.

The inspired account of the life of Jesus Christ written, doubtless in Palestine, by the onetime tax collector Matthew, or Levi. It is the first book in the Christian Greek Scriptures and has since ancient times been viewed as the first Gospel written. Matthew's account commences with the human ancestry of Jesus, followed by his birth, and concludes with Christ's postressurrection commissioning of his followers to go and "make disciples of people of all the nations." (Mt 28:19, 20) Hence, it covers the time between Jesus' birth in 2 B.C.E. and his meeting with his disciples just before his ascension in 33 C.E.

Time of Writing
Subscriptions, appearing at the end of Matthew's Gospel in numerous manuscripts (all being later than the tenth century C.E.), say that the account was written about the eighth year after Christ's ascension (c. 41 C.E.). This would not be at variance with internal evidence. The fact that no reference is made to the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy respecting Jerusalem's destruction would point to a time of composition prior to 70 C.E. (Mt 5:35; 24:16) And the expression "to this very day" (27:8; 28:15) indicates a lapse of some time between the events considered and the time of writing.

it-2 pp. 352-354

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

9 jan 2022


1 jan 41 ano
~ 1984 years ago