April 1, 2024

1 jan 443 ano antes da era comum - Nehemiah


Writer(s): Nehemiah
Place Written: Jerusalem
Writing Completed: a. 443 B.C.E.
Time Covered: 456-a. 443 B.C.E.

A book of the Hebrew Scriptures that primarily relates events occurring shortly before and during Nehemiah's governorship in Judah. (Ne 5:14; 13:6, 7) The opening words of this inspired account identify the writer as "Nehemiah the son of Hacaliah" (1:1), and much of it is written in the first person.

Reliable historical evidence and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy point to 455 B.C.E. as the year in which Nisan of the 20th year of Artaxerxes' reign fell. (See PERSIA, PERSIANS [The Reigns of Xerxes and of Artaxerxes].) Accordingly, the Chislev preceding Nisan of that 20th year would fall in 456 B.C.E., and the 32nd year of Artaxerxes' reign (the last date mentioned in Nehemiah [13:6]) would include part of 443 B.C.E. Therefore, the book of Nehemiah covers a period from Chislev of 456 B.C.E. until sometime after 443 B.C.E.

it-2 pp. 487-489

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

9 jan 2022


1 jan 443 ano antes da era comum
~ 2469 years ago