June 15, 2024

9 h 10 mar 2005 ano - They can't get by on half their food, Eugene can make bullets. (Issue 102)


- Day 600
- Rick collects some food from the pantry. He asks Olivia how they're doing supply-wise and she tells him they're doing well right now and should last about two more weeks until they need a top up. Rick asks how they'd be if they had to live off exactly half and she says it wouldn't be pretty. He tells her not to worry about it.
- Eugene catches Rick and tells him that he and Abraham were working on something when the Saviors attacked them (see day 591). He hasn't started yet and the project won't be easy but he's reasonably comfortable in claiming that he can make bullets. He obviously won't be mass producing all different kinds immediately as it will take time to practice and research the most common ammunition type for their variety of guns.
- Eugene wants it to be his bullets killing the Saviors, Rick admires that but it's not what they're doing...

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


9 h 10 mar 2005 ano
~ 19 years ago
