June 15, 2024

18 h 4 mar 2005 ano - Alexandria was attacked, Dwight was captured. (Issue 101) (Issue 102)


- Day 594
- They return to Alexandria and find bodies everywhere and two large vehicles crashed into the gate and wall. An armed Nicholas runs up to the gate to let Rick and the others in. It only opens a bit due to the bent metal. He tells him that Andrea is fine and there was an attack early this morning. Andrea and Olivia run up the the group in glee. Andrea explains that there were nearly fifty of them but they killed half a dozen and the rest retreated. They never even got through the walls.
- She takes Rick into the infirmary and shows him Dwight, tied to a chair with a bandage around his leg. Dwight lunges and tells them to wait until Negan arrives but Andrea punches him in the head. Rick stops her from throwing another punch and takes her out the room.
- He tells her that they killed Glenn. Andrea says that's all the more reason to fuck Dwight up. Rick explains that he severely underestimated the Saviors and fifty men attacked them at the same time another fifty attacked Alexandria. What if they realise how low on ammo they are? Dwight is their only advantage and he doesn't want to piss Negan off more than he already has.
- Heath sets Jesus up with his own temporary house. Jesus is amazed at all the room they have for so few people here and apologises about Glenn's death.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


18 h 4 mar 2005 ano
~ 19 years ago
