June 15, 2024

14 h 30 m, 25 fev 2005 ano - They're given a tour of the Barrington House, Ethan stabs Gregory and Rick slits Ethan's throat. (Issue 95) (Issue 96)


- Day 587
- They walk up to the community due to the mud.
- A young guard named Eduardo tells his friend Kal about his upcoming date with Mandy. Kal spots the group arriving at the gates and Eduardo asks if it's Negan. They realise it's Jesus and refuse to let Rick's group in while they're armed. Jesus vouches for them and the group is allowed to enter.
- Inside they see a populated community with children, trailers for houses, lots of farming land and animals all surrounding a large mansion. The group stares in awe at their surroundings. Jesus points out some aspects to the group, such as a watch station atop the house which can see for miles in any direction. The mansion is the Barrington House and every elementary school in a fifty mile radius would take school trips here. Andrea is impressed that they dismantled a barn to build the wall. Jesus says the place was up and running before he arrived here.
- Jesus starts to give the group a tour inside of the Barrington House. The leader, Gregory arrives and asks to speak to the leader alone. Andrea tells Rick that they'll keep Carl safe. Gregory accidentally calls Rick, Nick before being corrected. Gregory boasts about how nice the Hilltop is and how he's put a lot of work into it. He asks Rick to tell him a little about himself, Rick says he used to be a police officer and Gregory buts in to mention that there are several police officers here. Just then, Wesley rushes in and tells Gregory that Ethan has arrived, however he's alone.
- Kal helps Ethan inside and Gregory asks where David, Crystal and Andy are. Ethan tells him they're dead. He asks if it was Negan and Ethan tells him that they said the drop off wasn't enough, they're keeping Crystal alive and will return her if he delivers a message (see day 586). He then stabs Gregory in the stomach. Wesley and Rick tackle Ethan. Rick and Ethan then wrestle on the ground while numerous residents look on in shock. Ethan has Rick pinned but he soon gets the upper hand and drives the knife up into Ethan's throat as blood pours all over his face.
- Harlan Carson, the doctor arrives and helps get Gregory stable. Jesus and Rick's group look ashamed while Carl looks shocked. Rick stands up, soaked in blood and asks "What?"
- The residents of Hilltop are angry at Rick for 'murdering' Ethan. Rick claims Ethan was going to kill Gregory and him so it was self defence. Eduardo and another guard point their spears at Rick so he draws his gun. Jesus tells everyone to calm down and lower their weapons. Dr. Carson needs to get Gregory inside so Rick offers to help. But Jesus rejects his offer and brings the group inside to explain everything.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


14 h 30 m, 25 fev 2005 ano
~ 19 years ago
