June 15, 2024

10 h 31 out 2004 ano - A funeral is held for Scott, Regina and Pete, Derek's group attacks Alexandria. (Issue 78)


- Day 470
- Andrea decides to go out on watch instead of staying in because a funeral will make her think of Dale who she is trying to forget. Tobin drives her out.
- Everyone gathers in the church for the triple funeral. Heath makes a speech for Scott and cries throughout. Once he is done Gabriel invites Rick up who goes on to make a speech for Pete. He ultimately asks everyone to remember Pete as the good man and loving father he was before the Turn, and before he did the evil things he did. Rick's speech is cut short when an unfamiliar gunshot rings out from the front gate. Rick and Abraham's group rush out to see what is happening while Michonne keeps everyone inside the church and prepares for what happens next.
- Rick goes to the front gate and is greeted by Derek who smugly asks to be let in. Rick attempts to talk him down by explaining that they like to get to know people before welcoming them in as to make sure they're not dangerous. Derek responds by claiming that his group is dangerous, but Rick's going to let them in anyway or something bad will happen.
- Rick notices a red dot on his chest from a sniper rifle and puts his hands up. Derek claims that his sniper will shoot if he moves. When Rick claims that everyone inside the walls will kill his whole group, Derek decides he's heard enough. But before he can signal his sniper to shoot, Andrea shoots the enemy sniper.
- Rick takes cover as Andrea shoots Derek. He tells the rest of Derek's group that they don't have to die and can walk away. Sandra decides to call Rick's bluff about killing them all and makes a stand. Rick and Abraham's group all reveal themselves and unload on the remainder of Derek's group, killing them all. The gunshots get the attention of more roamers from in D.C. and a herd starts to make their way closer to the community.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


10 h 31 out 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
