June 15, 2024

8 h 30 out 2004 ano - Andrea gets ready for her lookout shift, Rick talks to Douglas about the gun. (Issue 76)


- Day 469
- Abraham tells Andrea that they're going to drop her off at the bell tower on their way to the construction site. At the end of the day they'll pick her back up. Nobody is sure about night watches yet.
- Douglas tells Rick to talk to Carl so he isn't worried and then meet him at his house so they can talk. Rick visits Carl who is angry that he didn't show up last night as he promised he would never do that again. Rick apologises and says work got a bit carried away but Carl wants to get back to doing school work.
- Michonne separates Pete and Jessie. Pete agrees to leave her alone.
- Glenn and Heath return to Alexandria with the medical supplies.
- At Douglas' house he decides what to do about Rick carrying a gun. Not once did Rick point it at Pete during their fight and the only time he did draw it was at Douglas. However he knows that Rick was sending a message more than anything and wasn't going to pull the trigger. Douglas is fine with allowing Rick to break the rules and no weapons policy if it means keeping the peace. However he should never question his leadership around other people.
- On his way back home, people stare at Rick in the streets. Michonne tells him to get his shit together and moves on. When he gets back home he collapses on his bed in exhaustion.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


8 h 30 out 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
