June 15, 2024

14 h 29 out 2004 ano - Rick attacks Pete in his own home and draws a gun on Douglas. (Issue 75) (Issue 76)


- Day 468
- Rick meets with Douglas in Alexandria's graveyard. He tells Douglas that Jessie all but confirmed it was Pete who gave Ron the black eye and that if they're not careful, he'll end up killing his family eventually. Rick doesn't know what to do as they don't have a jail in the community and separating them would be difficult. Douglas is against the idea of doing anything because Pete is one of the community's doctors, however Rick insists that the best course of action is exile or death.
- As he leaves, Rick walks past the grave of Alexander Davidson.
- Rick pounds on the door of the Anderson residents. Pete angrily opens and Rick punches him in the face demanding Pete to tell him that he's wrong. Pete fights back and Rick exclaims that he's not going to let him get to the point of killing his family before tackling him through the front window. He tells Pete that he doesn't know what it's like knowing that your wife and child died because of you and sometimes he'd rather be dead. Douglas and numerous other residents rush to the scene. Rick tells Pete that if he touches Jessie or Ron again, he'll kill him. Douglas demands Rick to stop which prompts Rick to his gun out from a holster on his ankle.
- Rick tells Douglas that he's not going to let him ruin the community for everyone and they need to control who lives here. Douglas states that that is very clear to him now, to which Rick angrily explains that he does what needs to be done to keep the ones around him alive.
- Suddenly, Michonne hits Rick in the back of the head with a rock and tells someone to take his gun. She asks Rick to look at himself and only then does he see what he's done.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


14 h 29 out 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
