June 15, 2024

6 h 28 out 2004 ano - Heath and Glenn prepare to leave on their first supply run. (Issue 74)


- Day 467
- Denise gives Heath a list of medicine she needs for Scott. Heath then says goodbye to Scott who's condition has significantly worsened.
- Glenn pitches an idea where one of them covers the other with a rifle from a high point but Heath says they need guns they can shoot on the fly. He hands Glenn a pistol. Just before leaving, Maggie and Sophia say goodbye to Glenn despite saying they wouldn't. He assures them that he will be back no matter what before setting off with Heath on motorbikes.
- Heath tells Glenn not to make promises he can't keep. Glenn says he doesn't.
- Rick and Michonne patrol the streets on duty. Rick asks if Michonne if she's getting used to it yet? She says she isn't as she never thought she'd have to wear suit pants again. Though she supposes saving cats from trees and a better job than hacking up roamers all day. She asks if Rick has spoken to Lori recently but apologises for bringing it up.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


6 h 28 out 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
