June 15, 2024

20 abr 1971 ano - Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg


In Swann. v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, the Supreme Court had to decide whether or not the federal courts were authorized to oversee and form solutions for the state-imposed segregation. Supported by the NAACP, Vera and Darius Swann fought for their son to go to Seversville Elementary School because it was the closest school to their home, and it was one of the few integrated schools at the time. The Court voted in favor of the Swanns. With the help of federal district judge James McMillian, the Court also decided that it was necessary to implement a busing system that would further the integration process of public schools. A major cause of this case would be the lack of integration on the states' part. A major effect would be the integration of schools beginning to go faster.

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20 abr 1971 ano
~ 53 years ago