June 15, 2024

2 jul 2017 ano - Fourth of July 2k17


This year I took off of work so I could be with you as much as possible. I had to drive my brother to work so i soon came home to find that your family was already at my house! I hadn't seen you in six months so things were still a little awkward. We then went to bullheads and ate dinner. Remember how you weren't allowed to drink wine? (lol) After dinner we played around on the slide and took some pics. We then went home and went on a boat ride. I was the captain and had to show off my terrible haircut. (ugh that one bothered me) We stopped at the Tiki bar and later made our way home. The next day, we went out on the water and did our thing. We didn't have the jet skis yet so we went tubing and wake boarding. I was so proud of you when you got up! We then ate dinner, and soon left to go on a little adventure. We stopped at your grandparents because you needed to get changed. After we left, we soon arrived at granite peak, where we climbed one of the towers and talked about life. Later you got a phone call from one of your admirers and I had to let him know that you were taken (by me) :) This phone call went on all the way to the movie theater. After a while you had had enough, so you roasted him and hung up. Babe, that was amazing. That was the first time I saw the power you posses and was awed at your dedication to god. After this we went to the infamous "47 meters down" still to this day one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. We didn't even watch half of it, we just talked. The movie ended and we then went to Wal-mart, because what else is there to do in Wausau? We built an awesome toilet paper fort and were probably th first couple to be able to say that we made-out in Wal-mart (lol) We then exited the store, hand in hand, skipping all the way to the car. I drove you back and said goodbye.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

20 dez 2017


2 jul 2017 ano
~ 6 years and 11 months ago