June 15, 2024

24 ago 2018 ano - Public Housing Plan 2018-2022


The Government released the 2018 Public Housing Plan. The Plan replaced the 2016 Social Housing Purchasing Strategy and provided information about where, and how many, additional public housing places were planned over the next four years. The Government was aiming to secure around 6,400 additional public housing places by June 2022 to supplement the existing 67,228 public housing places. A significant number of these 6,400 places were contracted for, under negotiation or part of the Housing New Zealand Corporation (HNZC) four-year plan (4,480 from HNZC and 874 from Community Housing Providers). To deliver on the 6,400 places, around 1,000 additional places were sought.
Of the 6,400 additional places, 3,550 were to be in the Auckland region, 715 in Wellington, 480 in the Canterbury region, 55 in Dunedin, with the remaining 1,600 spread across the rest of New Zealand.
HNZC would remain the primary provider of public housing in New Zealand, providing around 70 percent of places, with the remaining 30 percent provided by Community Housing Providers. The additional public housing places were funded through a combination of operating funding provided through the 2018 Budget, and HNZC borrowing from third-parties and funding from its operations.

Source: https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/about-msd/history/social-assistance-chronology-programme-history.html

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


24 ago 2018 ano
~ 5 years and 9 months ago