June 15, 2024

2 jul 2017 ano - "Let me show you how he sees you..."


I see a tree, very tall and lush. A branch of the tree is growing and spreading out over the nations.

"you are that branch"

I can't handle thinking about him off with other women. And constantly worrying about who he is with and when. I can't handle it anymore!

"He misses you"

No... no that can't be true... I don't believe you...
If he missed me he wouldn't be running away from me

"Let me show you how he sees you..."

No... I don't want to see it.

"let me show you..."

I see hands with a white rose in them...
The hands keep destroying the rose... they keep hurting it... he does't know how to handle the flower

"This is how he feels about you. He sees you as pure and delicate like this flower and he keeps hurting it..."

I see a grass land... I see a couple...

It's Tony and I. He is holding me and he kissed my head... I'm pregnant.. I picked up a flower and gave it to him...

Show me no more... this is painful...

"look outside. what do you see"

a really bright lamp post...
"This is how he sees you. Bright light, high and lifted up."

I see an island. The man in the boat is now on the island... stuffing the treasure into his pockets.

As the treasure is weighing on him, his greed turns into appreciation for what he has.
Instead of running away with the treasure, he lays on it and rests. He stays with the treasure instead of taking pieces of it and leaving.

"Who is the man?"


Adicionado na linha do tempo:

29 out 2019


2 jul 2017 ano
~ 6 years and 11 months ago