June 15, 2024

11 h 20 out 2004 ano - Abraham saves Holly from roamers. (Issue 73) (Issue 74)


- Day 459
- Tobin decides they should all break for lunch after the current panel is put up. Holly asks him if he has a read on Abraham. Tobin says he has a strong back but they'll get to know him over lunch. Several roamers approach the group and two attack Holly. Abraham jumps into action while Tobin orders everyone to stick together in the 'Phalanx Formation'. Abraham kills two roamers, saving Holly, and Holly returns the favour by killing another. Bruce tells the others that they're still alive but Tobin orders him to focus. Abraham guns down another few roamers on his own to the group's amazement.
- Meanwhile Rick and Glenn go over the weapons they stole. Rick doesn't want Carl to know they have guns because he'll be annoyed that he's not getting one. He's also worried that they've taken too many but decides not to worry about it. Rick takes the smallest gun so he can carry it at all times. He tells Glenn to distribute the guns across the group, however not everyone will have one so those who don't can't know anyone else does as to avoid getting busted. He tells Glenn that they're going to follow the rules and the guns are for in case things get ugly.
- Abraham berates Tobin for leaving Holly to die. Tobin tells him they have a system and tries to get Holly to back him up, instead she knees him in the groin causing him to puke. Abraham asks what they do now. Bruce tells him they usually take the day off and pick up again when the swarm has cleared. Instead Abraham takes control of the crew and gets everyone to finish work on the last panel before any roamers show up. Tobin tells him that what he did was to protect the rest of them but Abraham asks him how many people he's let die on the job and gets everyone back to work. Holly thanks him for saving her life but Abraham dismisses it by saying everyone should have done what he did and it wasn't special.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


11 h 20 out 2004 ano
~ 19 years ago
