April 1, 2024

6 ago 1964 ano - Speech by Senator Ernest Gruening


“(I urge) that the United States get out of South Vietnam...American security is not involved, the allegation that we are supporting freedom in South Vietnam has a hollow sound...I do not consider this our war and I feel that all Vietnam is not worth the life of a single American boy. We inherited this putrid [disgusting] mess from past administrations, and we should make every effort to disengage ourselves.”
Speech by Senator Ernest Gruening, August 6th, 1964

Senator Gruening is an isolationist because he believes that the United States should not have to intervene with wars that have nothing to do with us. The stake of putting an American out on a battlefield of a war that dos not have to do with the U.S. only takes away a life of someone who did nothing wrong to have to be a part of a war in the first place.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


6 ago 1964 ano
~ 59 years ago