June 15, 2024

30 jul 1979 ano - Violence Towards Women


The violence directed towards women in the concentration camp was especially awful.

Once arrived at the camp, military officials would blindfold the women, order her to strip, and then bind her. In the torture rooms, they were forced to open their legs as these men ran an electric current through their clitoris, vagina, anus, and breasts. Military officials would rape these women and force them onto their lips. Customarily, men would ejaculate onto the many blinded, hung, and crumpled women strewn across the holding areas of the concentration camp.


One woman recounts that she gave birth in an empty room and was forced to clean up her own placenta as the torturers laughed and looked down upon her.

Another women shares with a documentarist that men pushed metal pipes up her vagina and rectum. They also sliced her breasts as breast milk ran down her chest and they played "recordings" of her son that she was forced away from.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


30 jul 1979 ano
~ 44 years ago