July 1, 2024

28 abr 1880 ano - Great Incident


The new Hallor regime, though came about as a rebellion against central command, eventually inherited many of their strategic goals, central between them the drive to understand what happened to the original mutant teachings - who were expected to hold all knowledge about magra. Because the highest circle was almost exclusively hybrid, they were pretty liberal about their own kind, like they let Hkui just wander arond, and seduce the duke of Xenda, feeding him fake intel about Hallor (The Duke was in turn payed millions for this intel by yelonai, he claimed he employed a huge spy network, which of course is a lie), and many of this elite goup retired form fighting alltogether. But they could not allow the three rebels who openly denounced Hallor to just run free. After a years long chase, they finally cornered them. they hunted down two of them, but the telepathic girl got away. She was found by one of the organisations serving the mutant teachings, and they have realised she had the potencial to become a "protected object", someone whose body cannot be changed in any way. (How she becomes that is not exactly worked out yet). She was brought in fornt of the Mutant Teachings, who resided deep under a mountain as a mesh of deformed creatures filling up caves. They exist in a common telepathic world, advanced far past mortals can understand, and anyone entering would also see this word. But being protected, she could not be influenced, and saw them in their real disgusting form. In turn, they were freaked out by the fact that there was soemthing they can't fully influence, and then once they could exctract some idea of what she was thinking, they saw their own disgusting form she saw, and that freaked the out even more. This resulted in a telepathic wave disturbing everyone it reached, causing madness and suicide all threwout the world. At the time, there was a single airship on a regular harvesting mission into the Deep Zone. The disturbance caused a large telecenetic entity wake up and descend upon the mission. In their desperation, they have sent the one telepath named Hel, who was on board to deal with the issue.
He could get it under some control, but he used that to reome his shakels and merge with the entity. The new entity would retain the name and appearence, but what he was exactly could not be told, except he was something similar to the living gods of old times. He took controll of the ship and headed back to Xerxus. The halor realised that there is something wrong, and in desperation they have sent every possible thing that could defeat the unknown threat. (They have also sent a mission to the place calculated to be the center of the disturbance. Those never returned) Not long after, the protected object was ejected from the mountain and found in the snow. Hallor found her and tapped her by a dropping a giant sheet on her. They brought her ot the point where they intercepted Hel's ship and dropped her onto the ship. They were correct in that Hel also couldn't influence her. She could also wake Keja up, and then Hel decided to give himself up. The mission planned to self destruct at that moment, taking all of them with him. But the bombs Hel was in didn't went off - probably because the protected object was also on board. There was panic, some people tried to kill everyone by hand if need to be, but then either common snece, or Hel's manipulation prevailed, and the crew headed back to Teltarpun. There they found that the base was hastily destroyed by the remanents of central command in a scorced earth strategy.
At this point both Dárein and the Lesoro wing started taking notice, and found the Hybrid's reckless actions very disturbing. What the hybrids didn't realise, is that they were seen as no less of an abomination as Hel. Being a telepath, he framed it as the next logical step in democratising Hallor. The Lesoro has already resigned to look at the Hallor as a Black Box, so the reason they put up with Hybrid rule was exactly why they didn't care if Hel took over. They were frightened by the rapid destruction of Hellor infrastructure, while once Hel took contact, he assured gave assurances that the Hallor would continue to fufill her duties. They eventually pressured the Hybrids into stepping down.

After this point the organisation of Hallor became even more of a mistery. Hel effectively hijacked the organisation, but noone knew what his goles were. Some of the elite fighters tried to challange him, but they have disappeared. The protected object slipped away in the chaos, eventually ending up in Lhandorn

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

26 jan 2023


28 abr 1880 ano
~ 144 years ago