July 1, 2024

5 set 1867 ano - Toaz incident


During the Saylesoro war, the Lesoros's quick strike at Yelona failed, their mercenaries were defeated near Nidoré in grouling trench warfare. But they defeated the colonial navy and took Adeléne. After that, battles around the Aldykéu Valley ended in a stalemate (a Lesoro peace offer was refused, before mercenaries stroke a victory. After that, Lesoro issued another offer, which they accepted. The Yelonda-Ludamar coalition started breaking down, and the paralised trade caused instability back home.)

The peace conference took place at the no men's land city of Toaz. Lesoro played the two superpowers against one another, and recieved a modest punishment. The negotiationwas drawing to a close, when an oversees ironcald arrived into the bay, and started shelling the city. Many of the negotiators died in the initial attack, Iyares among them. In the crisis Lesoro agreed to handle the crisis and its consequences. They flew an airship above the ironclad, and when it shot vertically up, they lowered the ship's cargo module, which blocked the attack, then detached, and has fallen right ono the ship, destroying it.

Soon after the incident, other oversees forces made first contact to explain themselves. As the original agreement, Lesoro was designateed to handle the issue, who in turn Designated a new Hallor division to deal with them. What for governmetn officials saw as a problem to be solved, the Lesoro used as an opportunity. The Hallor used the Haze Biniding Implant technology, in turn they imported oversees technology themselves. This lead to the creation of the Large Impact Aircannon by 1872.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

26 jan 2023


5 set 1867 ano
~ 156 years ago