June 15, 2024

26 jan 848 ano - House Rastal is Chosen as the Dukes of Myosa


House Rastal was a ruling family in the Duchy of Myosa in the Oipientas from 848 to 886 when they were exiled after Rílen's Rebellion. Although, previous to gaining control over the Myosan Duchy, the ruling family before the Rastals, the Karlës, lost favor with King Rïndyan after Duke Krücuva Karlë murdered his own wife, Duchess Gäkirkia Karmenia (sister of King Rïndyan). After King Rïndyan removed them from power, he chose Lord Rikjosert Rastal to become Duke of Myosa, migrating the capital of the Duchy to Mokavepo. He then initiated the wedding between Gäkirkia's only child, Ïstikia, and now Duke Rikjosert Rastal.

However, the Rastal dynasty did not last long in Myosa as Rílen's Rebellion broke out less than 50 years after the Rastal's rise to power. When the rebellion did break out, Duke Krokyũva Rastal sided with the Karmen Dynasty and fought against Rílen Valcor which, when Rílen won against the Karmens, prompted major change in the ruling families of the Oipientian territories from those who supported the Karmens to those who supported anf fought for the Valcors. House Rastal was part of those who were exiled from the Oipientas.

The Rastal family was banished from Oipienta and they moved to Etëra Iopo, specifically Atswam, where they lived and worked as shipbuildiers. They continued their lifestyle near the harbor, unbothered by the change in powers after Etëra Iopo was annexed by Oipientia, for hundreds of years. It wasn't until the Velzen Revolution when the Rastal family was forced away from shipbuilding and back into politics.

With the outbreak of the Velzen Revolution, the proclaimed Velzen Emperor, Emperor Pilos Shauk, selected Fosom Rastal, the head of the Rastal House, to lead the Velzen Navy. Fosom performed his role as Admiral of the Imperial Velzen Navy so well that he was granted control over the City of Oblivepo in Northern Velzenia after the revolution.

The Rastals continued to rule over the City of Oblivepo until 1836 when the Oblivepo Territory was annexed by Dĩchinploi Oipienta after the Pentan War. Even though the Rastal family lost their title to the city of Oblivepo, they continued to be a prominent force in the area. Throughout the years after the Pentan War, they donated large sums of money into the city, which helped with its reconstruction after the numerous wars which caused mass destruction in the area, they helped with its industrialization by building multiple factories and roads, and they also partook in the local politics in the city, with numerous Oblivepo mayors being Rastals.

The Rastal dynasty also had a few members in the Oipientian Republic government both before Tothek and after him.

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26 jan 848 ano
~ 1177 years ago