June 15, 2024

1 jan 1776 ano - Thoughts on Government


A paper written by John Adams in which he outlines how he thinks state governments ought to be structured. He explained the benefits of a three-branch system of government, consisting of a legislative, executive, and judicial branch, all with checks and balances over each other. He also expressed the importance of a bicameral legislature. One example he examined was the Consitition of Pennsylvania, whose legislature was unicameral. The state claimed that its people had one set of interests, but Adams disagreed, saying that having two houses was the best solution to the natural divide between the aristocracy (represented in the upper house) and the ordinary people (who would occupy the lower). A powerful governor and court system would also be necessary to balance out the powers of the legislature. Every state but Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Georgia established a bicameral legislature, but only Massachusetts gave their governor veto power, as most of the country had bad experiences with royally appointed governors abusing their pwer over the elected assemblies.

Text: https://bit.ly/2UeTZUp

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1 jan 1776 ano
~ 248 years ago