June 15, 2024

1 jan 1942 ano - The mass murder of Jewish people at Auschwitz begins


Once Hitler was in full power over Germany, he declared that Jewish people were living unethically and they all deserved to die. Hitler and the Nazis captured every Jew in and around Germany and sent them to concentration camps where they would starve and die, or be burned alive.

The reason this event is so significant to WWII and our society today is because the horror and atrocity that was inflicted upon innocent Jews put the world in a state of shock when it was revealed that this was happening. A new word had to be created, genocide, which means killing a large group of people with similar ideas and beliefs. It also was considered a war crime and there were international trials to punish everyone involved with the evil acts of what is now known as the Holocaust.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1942 ano
~ 82 years ago