June 15, 2024

1 jul 1898 ano - Battle of San Juan Hill


The deadliest battle in the Spanish-American War. A few months before the war broke out, Theodore Roosevelt resigned his post as assistant secretary of the navy to raise a cavalry unit named the Rough Riders, composed of cowboys, immigrants, Ivy League athletes, and a few Native Americans. He was strongly pro-war, as he believed it would provide desperately needed unity among Americans. On July 1, the Rough Riders joined the 3rd Cavalry Regiment in attacking Kettle Hill, a strategic location east of Santiago, Cuba. Assisted by Gatling gun fire from Lt. John Parker, the Riders made it to the top of the hill and captured it. Roosevelt and his men then crossed a ravine to assist in the battle at nearby San Juan Hill but were ordered to Kettle to prepare for a Spanish counterattack. It was repelled, and the hill was secured. This put the US Army Fifth Crops in a good position to besiege Santiago, which would put an end to the war. Roosevelt and the Rough Riders attained great fame through the battle.

144 US troops dead
1024 US troops wounded
72 US troops missing

114 Spanish troops dead
366 Spanish troops wounded
2 Spanish troops missing
318 Spanish troops surrendered

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jul 1898 ano
~ 126 years ago