June 15, 2024

10 maio 1886 ano - Yick Wo v. Hopkins


A Supreme Court case in which it was decided that laws that appear race-neutral on the surface, but are applied in a racist manner, are a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The case originated in San Francisco, where an ordinance was passed that mandated the possession of a permit to operate a laundry in a wooden building (of which over 95% of laundries in San Francisco were). About two-thirds of laundry owners in the city were Chinese, and only one out of 200 applications from Chinese were given a permit. Meanwhile, nearly every non-Chinese applicant received a permit. This was taken to court, where it was decided that such discrimination was "intolerable in any country where freedom prevails." Though the decision was not applied in manyn future cases due to the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case, it was later cited in the 1950s.

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10 maio 1886 ano
~ 138 years ago